I just don't understand why someone would WANT to vote for McCain. I don't understand. I don't get how someone could listen to Senator Obama speak and NOT be inspired. Not want the best for your country and its people. Not want better for this generation, MY GENERATION, and those to come after me. I don't get how someone can call Senator Obama "naive and unexperienced" and NOT laugh when they talk about Gov. Palin's experience. I don't get how someone can believe that every single person in this country really does have an opportunity without actually offering them an opportunity.
I don't understand how anyone wouldn't want to vote for Senator Obama.
We have a month of work to do.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Who really is qualified?
Haha, I got this from a friend, who got this from another friend. Apparently it's posted somewhere in the "1 million strong for Barack Obama" facebook group, but idk where.
A friend sent this to me. It's a great example of how Republicans are masters at making people think up is down and black is white, and just to be blunt...bringing the idiot out of Americans...
I'm a little confused. Let me see if I get this straight...
If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.'
If you grow up in Alaska killing and eating moose, you're a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
If you name your kids Willow , Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
If you graduate from Columbia University and Harvard Law School you are unstable.
If you attend 5 different small colleges before getting a Bachelors Degree, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a highly regarded Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, serve as a US senator representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, and run a political campaign that sets records for number of people involved and contributing, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your resume is local weather announcer, 4 years on the city council, 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people (which you leave in $14.7 million of debt), 20 months as governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive (and according to actuarial tables, you have a greater than 30% chance of succeeding the president during his first term).
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your severely handicapped wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a devout Christian.
If you support responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school systems while your unwed teen daughter gets pregnant, you're very responsible. After all, you set the example of being pregnant when you got married. Her sisters are sure to follow her excellent example too.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don't represent America 's.
If your husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA , your family is extremely admirable.
OK, thank you -- it is much clearer to me now...
A friend sent this to me. It's a great example of how Republicans are masters at making people think up is down and black is white, and just to be blunt...bringing the idiot out of Americans...
I'm a little confused. Let me see if I get this straight...
If you grow up in Hawaii , raised by your grandparents, you're 'exotic, different.'
If you grow up in Alaska killing and eating moose, you're a quintessential American story.
If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
If you name your kids Willow , Trig and Track, you're a maverick.
If you graduate from Columbia University and Harvard Law School you are unstable.
If you attend 5 different small colleges before getting a Bachelors Degree, you're well grounded.
If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a highly regarded Constitutional Law professor at the University of Chicago, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, serve as a US senator representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, and run a political campaign that sets records for number of people involved and contributing, you don't have any real leadership experience.
If your resume is local weather announcer, 4 years on the city council, 6 years as the mayor of a town with fewer than 7,000 people (which you leave in $14.7 million of debt), 20 months as governor of a state with only 650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive (and according to actuarial tables, you have a greater than 30% chance of succeeding the president during his first term).
If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.
If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, left your severely handicapped wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a devout Christian.
If you support responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.
If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school systems while your unwed teen daughter gets pregnant, you're very responsible. After all, you set the example of being pregnant when you got married. Her sisters are sure to follow her excellent example too.
If your wife is a Harvard graduate lawyer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family values don't represent America 's.
If your husband is nicknamed 'First Dude', with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA , your family is extremely admirable.
OK, thank you -- it is much clearer to me now...
Saturday, September 20, 2008
It's been a busy couple of weeks...things have shifted across the country (including buildings over in Houston/Galveston) and idk what's going on now in people's heads...Republicans I know that were pro-Obama are suddenly pro-McCain w/ the addition of Palin. Wth? She's talking the same nonsense Bush has been talking, and THEN some. You've got to be joking.
In other news, this article makes me sick to my stomach.
Race may be a bigger factor than previously thought
Now I hate polls, only because people can say whatever they want and do something differently. (See: The Bradley effect) Also, pollsters only ask certain types of people. where's the poll for "educated Blacks" or "educated Hispanics" or "young Asians" or whatever else? It's always the same "rural, uneducated Whites" (so they say) or "educated Whites" or "Blacks (in general)" or "Hispanics (in general)".
Your thoughts?
In other news, this article makes me sick to my stomach.
Race may be a bigger factor than previously thought
Now I hate polls, only because people can say whatever they want and do something differently. (See: The Bradley effect) Also, pollsters only ask certain types of people. where's the poll for "educated Blacks" or "educated Hispanics" or "young Asians" or whatever else? It's always the same "rural, uneducated Whites" (so they say) or "educated Whites" or "Blacks (in general)" or "Hispanics (in general)".
Your thoughts?
Friday, September 5, 2008
Palin vs. Clinton: Hypocrisy
I think this clip from the Daily Show sums it up well. There are a couple of moments of off-color humor, but the 1 cuss word is bleeped out.
New fave line
From the back of an RNC protestor's shirt:
You can't win an occupation
Soooooooo true.
Obama '08
You can't win an occupation
Soooooooo true.
Obama '08
Thursday, September 4, 2008
McCain's speech
Sorry I didn't live blog this one - I was eating, since I just got home from class. I must say though 70% of what he said he plans to do are the SAME THINGS that Senator Obama has been saying since 2006. 10% of his speech was about his time as a POW and how that automatically qualifies him to be president. Another 10% was jabs at Senator Obama. The last 10% was praise for Gov. Palin, said in creepy intonation. "I can't wait to introduce her to Washington...*hee hee hee*"
Lol, overall, the speech was poorly delivered, and I'm not sure how well-written it was, since he kept stumbling over it. Karl Rove called it, "the best speech [Sen. McCain's] ever given off of a teleprompter."
He kept referring to "you." By "you," he meant the economic top 20% that would see an increase in taxes by President Obama and wouldn't vote for a Democrat anyway. A former Bush speechwriter, Michael Gershon, said it was a failed speech. He said the personal aspects of McCain's speech were the strong points, but the policy parts were very typical of Republicans, and "tonight was not particularly innovative...or promising." Ann Curry asked, "Was it the speech of a maverick?" MG:"It was a speech of a past maverick, not the speech of a future reformer."
We've got to take back this country for all Americans, not just the top 20%. We've got to elect officials who will help the "haves" and the "have-nots." We've got to work together as a country to do what is right and what is best for us domestically and abroad, and to better the world we live in.
Lol, overall, the speech was poorly delivered, and I'm not sure how well-written it was, since he kept stumbling over it. Karl Rove called it, "the best speech [Sen. McCain's] ever given off of a teleprompter."
He kept referring to "you." By "you," he meant the economic top 20% that would see an increase in taxes by President Obama and wouldn't vote for a Democrat anyway. A former Bush speechwriter, Michael Gershon, said it was a failed speech. He said the personal aspects of McCain's speech were the strong points, but the policy parts were very typical of Republicans, and "tonight was not particularly innovative...or promising." Ann Curry asked, "Was it the speech of a maverick?" MG:"It was a speech of a past maverick, not the speech of a future reformer."
We've got to take back this country for all Americans, not just the top 20%. We've got to elect officials who will help the "haves" and the "have-nots." We've got to work together as a country to do what is right and what is best for us domestically and abroad, and to better the world we live in.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Sexism is still there
One of the news channels was talking about how sexist the media is concerning Sarah Palin, and how Hillary supporters are coming to her defense in that aspect. I'm with them. The media said some really sexist things about Senator Clinton, and they're saying the same things about Gov. Palin, and I'm against that. I'm also against everything she stands for, but I agree that the way the media has said some things about her is uncalled for.
LIVE: Palin's speech & McCain's nomination
9:36pm - Talks about being an advocate for parents of children with special needs. The Republican party has and continues to cut funding for special education programs and job training programs for people with special needs. Huh?
9:42pm - Speaking about PTA and city council experience. The youngest daughter just licked her hand and tried to change the direction of the baby's hair. Someone was escorted out!!! Haha, exciting.
9:44pm - Guns, religion, bitter, again. "...wherever he goes and whoever is listening, John McCain is the same man." Wrong? Yeah, I think so. "If you're not a member of Washington's elite, then some of the media consider you to be unqualified." NO, really? What has "conservative" media been spouting for the last 19 months about Senator Obama?
9:46pm - "The point of going to Washington is...to challenge the status quo and leave the nation better than we found it." Isn't that directly quoted from someone's speech LAST week?
Hahaha, there is some trouble with chanting the same phrase in unison...and the vertical signs don't have poles to hold them! Maybe bc someone that worked their way inside would start beating people with it.
9:53pm - Talking about energy independence. She's pushing for offshore drilling, and saying that not pushing for it is "doing nothing at all." I spoke to a guy that works for a company that builds oil rigs for drilling, and it'll take at least 5 years before a new one can even be put offshore to start drilling. We could be soooo much closer to another energy technology by then.
9:55pm - Claims that Senator Obama never authored or created any type of reform in the state or national senate. What? Not the reforms on questioning capital crime suspects? Or government transparency and spending? "He won't use the word 'victory' unless it's about his campaign." "Victory in Iraq is in sight and he wants to forfeit." What victory?!?! "Al-Qaida terrorists want to inflict harm and destroy America, and he's afraid someone won't read them their rights." For all of those who were racially profiled and singled out and are "supposed" terrorists...ok, they don't deserve rights, even if they are citizens.
9:58pm - Claims that Senator Obama will raise taxes on everyone...no, just those who are past the "middle class" threshhold.
10:01pm - "Our nominee doesn't run with the Washington herd." Really? Voting w/ Bush 90% of the time isn't "part of the herd?" "A leader who's not looking for a fight, but sure isn't afraid of one either." Hahaha, ask his wife about when she joked with him about his hair!
10:03pm - "Although Senator Obama and Senator Biden say that they quote, 'fight for you,' there is only one man in this election that has ever truly fought for you." I applaud the man's service to this country, and I appreciate it, but I don't see that as an absolute reason to vote for the man as President!
Lol, new game! spot how many token black ppl you can find in the crowd! And then, count how many times each of them is shown on tv. They will get SO much face time, it's ridiculous.
10:08pm - "If hope is the theme of this election, and change our shared goal, then I ask you to join our cause..." Yeah, she HOPES we'll CHANGE our minds and join their cause...of the same failed policies, poor decisions, and "good ol' boy" deals that have plagued us and caused problems for the past 8 years.
10:10pm - Finally Senator McCain comes out. Not much of a surprise now, is it, lol. Haha, the littlest daughter is scared of Senator McCain! He leaned over to talked to her, and she def just backed away. And he definitely didn't say anything other than, "Didn't we do a great job choosing the next VP of the United States?" and "What a beautiful family!" and he told Palin, "Great job!"
Final comments: The crowd is DEFINITELY not as diverse as the DNC was. Almost every single person is in a suit and tie, and the crowd is overwhelmingly white. Way to "represent the people." The closing music was some staid bugle music...military sounding, but idk about crowd-energizing. I guess that's what they assume all white ppl want to hear. The program format is unusual - the choice of background pictures during the Palin's speech kept rotating through pretty typical "national photos" - soaring eagle, Lincoln Memorial, Mt. Rushmore, rolling plains, but def no beaches! (Haha, we don't want to conjure up images of "exotic" Hawaii, even though it IS a state.) After Palin's speech, everyone is trying to leave, and they decide to have Gretchen Wilson, John Rich, and Cowboy Troy (3 country singers, one of them a token Black person) come on to sing THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. Really? That's the "entertainment?" I thought that was supposed to make you proud of your country and get a political event started. Now the song is something about "Raising McCain." They spoke between every couple of lines of the National Anthem with bits and pieces of the preamble to the Constititution and MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. Also now, they're having the roll call of the states now, AFTER the main speaker of the evening and the entertainment. It is 10:24pm in Minneapolis...say what? Aren't these delegates and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee 2 seconds away from sleep? (j/k, j/k that wasn't nice.)
I think it's hard to "represent the people" when your delegates definitely aren't anywhere near proportionate to the demographic makeup of the US. I think it's hard to "represent the people" when the majority of the delegates seem to be 65+. I mean, how can you represent everyone's interests when the people sent to represent those interests are all seemingly the same? I know everyone has different backgrounds and experiences, but I'm pretty sure there are few people who represent the people who are in poverty and urban decay. I just think your delegate makeup should look like the country they're representing.
Hey, 2 more token black people and they're from TX! Hahaha, AND TX is right up front, it seems. The chairman asked for any more nominations for president besides John McCain, and someone yelled, "RON PAUL!!!" and he was just like, "hearing none..." lol and that guy was DEFINITELY loud. I'm surprised TX is up front too...I mean yes, current home of the president, but also current home of Ron Paul. I wanna see how many people vote for people other than McCain.
Alaska just had 5 votes for Ron Paul, and the counter ignored them! What about the rules? She didn't even acknowledge them, even though C-SPAN has the tally up.
The chairman of the D.C. delegation is so proud to be a Republican, but they have consistently voted against allowing D.C. full representation in Congress and the Senate. HAHA, the FL chairman is saying that they're putting Floridians first...by messing up ballots, asking for multiple forms of ID, disposing of people's names on the voter rolls? Riiiiiight...
9:42pm - Speaking about PTA and city council experience. The youngest daughter just licked her hand and tried to change the direction of the baby's hair. Someone was escorted out!!! Haha, exciting.
9:44pm - Guns, religion, bitter, again. "...wherever he goes and whoever is listening, John McCain is the same man." Wrong? Yeah, I think so. "If you're not a member of Washington's elite, then some of the media consider you to be unqualified." NO, really? What has "conservative" media been spouting for the last 19 months about Senator Obama?
9:46pm - "The point of going to Washington is...to challenge the status quo and leave the nation better than we found it." Isn't that directly quoted from someone's speech LAST week?
Hahaha, there is some trouble with chanting the same phrase in unison...and the vertical signs don't have poles to hold them! Maybe bc someone that worked their way inside would start beating people with it.
9:53pm - Talking about energy independence. She's pushing for offshore drilling, and saying that not pushing for it is "doing nothing at all." I spoke to a guy that works for a company that builds oil rigs for drilling, and it'll take at least 5 years before a new one can even be put offshore to start drilling. We could be soooo much closer to another energy technology by then.
9:55pm - Claims that Senator Obama never authored or created any type of reform in the state or national senate. What? Not the reforms on questioning capital crime suspects? Or government transparency and spending? "He won't use the word 'victory' unless it's about his campaign." "Victory in Iraq is in sight and he wants to forfeit." What victory?!?! "Al-Qaida terrorists want to inflict harm and destroy America, and he's afraid someone won't read them their rights." For all of those who were racially profiled and singled out and are "supposed" terrorists...ok, they don't deserve rights, even if they are citizens.
9:58pm - Claims that Senator Obama will raise taxes on everyone...no, just those who are past the "middle class" threshhold.
10:01pm - "Our nominee doesn't run with the Washington herd." Really? Voting w/ Bush 90% of the time isn't "part of the herd?" "A leader who's not looking for a fight, but sure isn't afraid of one either." Hahaha, ask his wife about when she joked with him about his hair!
10:03pm - "Although Senator Obama and Senator Biden say that they quote, 'fight for you,' there is only one man in this election that has ever truly fought for you." I applaud the man's service to this country, and I appreciate it, but I don't see that as an absolute reason to vote for the man as President!
Lol, new game! spot how many token black ppl you can find in the crowd! And then, count how many times each of them is shown on tv. They will get SO much face time, it's ridiculous.
10:08pm - "If hope is the theme of this election, and change our shared goal, then I ask you to join our cause..." Yeah, she HOPES we'll CHANGE our minds and join their cause...of the same failed policies, poor decisions, and "good ol' boy" deals that have plagued us and caused problems for the past 8 years.
10:10pm - Finally Senator McCain comes out. Not much of a surprise now, is it, lol. Haha, the littlest daughter is scared of Senator McCain! He leaned over to talked to her, and she def just backed away. And he definitely didn't say anything other than, "Didn't we do a great job choosing the next VP of the United States?" and "What a beautiful family!" and he told Palin, "Great job!"
Final comments: The crowd is DEFINITELY not as diverse as the DNC was. Almost every single person is in a suit and tie, and the crowd is overwhelmingly white. Way to "represent the people." The closing music was some staid bugle music...military sounding, but idk about crowd-energizing. I guess that's what they assume all white ppl want to hear. The program format is unusual - the choice of background pictures during the Palin's speech kept rotating through pretty typical "national photos" - soaring eagle, Lincoln Memorial, Mt. Rushmore, rolling plains, but def no beaches! (Haha, we don't want to conjure up images of "exotic" Hawaii, even though it IS a state.) After Palin's speech, everyone is trying to leave, and they decide to have Gretchen Wilson, John Rich, and Cowboy Troy (3 country singers, one of them a token Black person) come on to sing THE NATIONAL ANTHEM. Really? That's the "entertainment?" I thought that was supposed to make you proud of your country and get a political event started. Now the song is something about "Raising McCain." They spoke between every couple of lines of the National Anthem with bits and pieces of the preamble to the Constititution and MLK's "I Have a Dream" speech. Also now, they're having the roll call of the states now, AFTER the main speaker of the evening and the entertainment. It is 10:24pm in Minneapolis...say what? Aren't these delegates and the presumptive Republican presidential nominee 2 seconds away from sleep? (j/k, j/k that wasn't nice.)
I think it's hard to "represent the people" when your delegates definitely aren't anywhere near proportionate to the demographic makeup of the US. I think it's hard to "represent the people" when the majority of the delegates seem to be 65+. I mean, how can you represent everyone's interests when the people sent to represent those interests are all seemingly the same? I know everyone has different backgrounds and experiences, but I'm pretty sure there are few people who represent the people who are in poverty and urban decay. I just think your delegate makeup should look like the country they're representing.
Hey, 2 more token black people and they're from TX! Hahaha, AND TX is right up front, it seems. The chairman asked for any more nominations for president besides John McCain, and someone yelled, "RON PAUL!!!" and he was just like, "hearing none..." lol and that guy was DEFINITELY loud. I'm surprised TX is up front too...I mean yes, current home of the president, but also current home of Ron Paul. I wanna see how many people vote for people other than McCain.
Alaska just had 5 votes for Ron Paul, and the counter ignored them! What about the rules? She didn't even acknowledge them, even though C-SPAN has the tally up.
The chairman of the D.C. delegation is so proud to be a Republican, but they have consistently voted against allowing D.C. full representation in Congress and the Senate. HAHA, the FL chairman is saying that they're putting Floridians first...by messing up ballots, asking for multiple forms of ID, disposing of people's names on the voter rolls? Riiiiiight...
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