Sunday, June 8, 2008

Guess who's going to Denver...


It truly was democracy at its finest. I won with about 3/4 of the vote from our entire senate district delegation. For those who don't know, Victoria County is part of Senate District 18, made up of 19 counties. The final count was like 120+ for me, about 35-40 for the other nominee from Fort Bend County.

To Stephanie, Dorothy, Sallie Ann, and Aimee - it was hard, but I'm glad we all had a chance. I appreciate your support during the vote, as well as now. I promise to represent you and SD-18 very well.

Michael Flowers from Bastrop County will be attending as the male Obama delegate from our SD, and Chelsie W. (can't think of the last name, but I believe the initial is correct) from Fort Bend county is an at-large delegate for Obama.

I smell additional contributors to the blog...

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