Friday, June 20, 2008

Sorry for the delay...

...but I promise I will be back soon with the regular updates.

In other news, guess who might be meeting with a DC superdelegate and a regular CNN contributor for the Democratic Party at this year's DNCC? (Hint: Her book, Cooking With Grease, talks about her life in politics, including her job as Al Gore's 2000 campaign chair.)

Could this possibly lead to a meeting with the future President Obama himself...?


LiberalDemDave said...

Looks like I get the honor of being your first commenter!

Let me just say "congratulations"!

As a former resident of the greater Denver metro area, if you have any questions about the area (food, night life, yadda yadda yadda), please let me know by dropping me an e-mail at dmg "at" bredwellfarms "dot" com.

txcheesehead said...

Oh snap--you might get to meet Donna Brazile?