Wednesday, July 2, 2008

odds and ends

This past Saturday, Barbara Allen-Lampley opened up her home for a Unite for Change event in Victoria, which was a success. We had about 12 people show up, and I know the next one will be bigger and better!

I hope to hold an event with more of our local Democratic voters next time. Does anyone know how to access the local VAN? (I assume that stands for Voter Action Network, but I keep forgetting to ask.) I want to contact all the voters from my precinct, and hopefully I'll get some help on contacting the other precincts. Hopefully we can hold similar events in the other surrounding counties. They don't have to necessarily be fundraisers for me, but I will (and do currently) have buttons to sell.

Pics in the next post, since I'm on my phone. I wonder if the iPhone 3g will allow for that, bc this one doesn't...

Oh, also, the actual convention will convene from 4-9pm MST that Monday through Friday., so expect posts all during the day. I'm hoping someone will gift me with a new, lighter notebook pc to aid in my blog quest...

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