Monday, July 28, 2008

Sorry for the delay...

...but I'm on vacation! Chicago, that is. I do have a few goals, one of which is to go to HQ and another is to get a dress for the gala/reception.

Btw, it turns out that reception w/ Union Pacific is the same night as the TX delegation gala...we'll see how that plays out. I haven't gotten a housing confirmation or a packet of events yet...

What a ride this is.

Also, I got some new buttons in if anyone's interested. A couple of them are general Democratic supporting buttons, and the rest are Obama. I can't wait until I get to HQ...idk what I'm expecting, but maybe they'll give me some more info or something. At least a picture in front of the sign.

Lastly, thanks to everyone that's supported me so far...thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for coming out and helping with the bbq and buying tickets and selling tickets and everything... Watch out for the brunch, coming soon.

Oh, before I forget, watch for the VICTORIANS UNITED FOR CHANGE. We're working to elect a Democratic majority locally, statewide, and nationally. If anyone is interested in volunteering in any capacity, let me know. We're having another planning meeting this Thursday, July 31 @ 7pm at Barbara Allen-Lampley's home, 2103 Bon Aire. We're going to try to tally up our volunteers and get to implementing the first part of our field plan (which is being worked on right now). Also, we're having a volunteer rally on August 7 from 7-9pm, location TBA.

I'll try to update again this week...stay fired up!

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