Sunday, August 24, 2008

Thanks, Dad

Hahaha, for the first time in my life, I'm glued to C-SPAN. (My dad has been glued to c-span since before there was a c-span 2.) I'm in the hotel room (really nice so far), eating a burger and fries, and I'm watching the RULES COMMITTEE MEETING. Never in my life did I ever think I would be watching something as...well, mundane as this. But it's really important, and necessary. They're talking about changing the presidential nominating process. A few people have mentioned reducing the number of superdelegates, which I agree with. 800 unpledged delegates who can support whomever they want, against the will of their constituents because, basically, "[we] know best" is not what the DNC is all about. Also, some ppl are in support of moving the dates for the primaries/caucases to a later date in the calendar, and spreading them out so as to allow the candidates an opportunity to spend time in each state. I'm for that as well.

David Walters, the Rules Committee Co-Chairman keeps joking about them not having tickets to the "Rock the Vote" concert... I want tickets!!!

And c-span just announced that Thursday, they want us to be in our seats by 2 pm...Senator Obama won't even speak until 8 pm. I know there will be other speakers and stuff beforehand, but WOW. Lol, the conventions are long across the board.

Haha, interestingly, there's a group in downtown Denver called "Recreate '68" that is a "group of progressives against imperialism and racism, etc." and they are basically protesting everything...the convention, the corporate sponsors, the war in Iraq, racism...haha you name it, and I bet they're protesting against it. I wanna go talk to some of them and find out what their feelings are about the election. I saw that when they were showing the media setup for the Pepsi Center, and even Aljazeera is here! MAJOR.

Ok, off to decide between the interfaith gathering and the youth council...just waiting on Kendrah.

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