Sunday, August 17, 2008

Today, on the local campaign trail...

I did some phone-banking today, mostly got hung up on. One person said they weren't registered, didn't want to register, and didn't give a damn who won, lol. Another lady was 101 and she was nice (I tried to engage her in conversation), but she said she was voting Republican. I was trying to click through the VAN (Voter Activation Network, for those who are new to this, as I was) so I could talk to younger ppl, so maybe they'd be more receptive to me, but the precinct I had was like ALL ppl 45+, a lot of whom were in their 70s and 80s. Ron thought I had messed it up by clicking through, but some of those ppl showed up in my round 2 list, so I didn't screw anything up, yay! Not looking forward to more of that, but for some reason it's easier for me to do in a room full of ppl getting hung up on and yelled at, rather than by myself.

Lots and lots of events...hoping I can call and possibly get hooked up w/ some things I want to go to, but haven't been invited to (yet). This should be fun, tiring, and lots of work...

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